Emily Hill. Writer & Novelist

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How nice that you have come to visit . . . The Ghost Chaser’s Daughter!

We probably have a lot in common.  Let me tell you about myself, and in turn I invite you to regale me with your experiences with the supernatural, the paranormal, and all elements that exist – beyond the grave.

I was brought up in a rich and colorful environment well aware of my mother’s Ouija board sessions; candles, lit and flickering in the dead of the night; and Tarot card sessions that foretold fortunes gained, fortunes lost – and death’s approach.

I spent my youth in New Orleans’ French Quarter frequenting tealeaf readings and fortune telling sessions and have always had an intense awareness and respect for all elements swirling in the smoke and blueness of the other side of the grave.

My very first ghost sighting occurred when I was seven years old.  Left alone one morning to wait for the school bus after my parents left for work, I was suddenly aware that the apparition of my deceased grandfather was roaming the house, accompanied by a spirit dog.  Time stood still – literally; although I have always held on to the awareness of a ticking clock during this sighting – Tick . . . Tock . . . Tick . . . Tock.  This supernatural experience brought my to the realization that not all occurrences can be explained in terms of mainstream religious dogma, or on a scientific basis.

In 1986 I moved into a cottage in Seattle’s Greenlake district.  It was haunted.  Kitchen cupboards would creak open and then slowly close, the old brass doorknobs would rattle and turn in the dead of the night.  My boundless curiosity led me to a 1907 newspaper archive that confirmed what I suspected – the cottage had been built on an abandoned cemetery.  It was the experiences that I had during this 13-year period that led me to finally reveal to the public that forces from beyond the grave had crossed into my life from time to time.

For the Season of The Howling Winds, Winter 2013, I have released my second full-length novel, ‘Voodoo Vision: New Orleans House of Spirits’ which is about a Catholic ingénue, Victoria Calais, living in New Orleans’ Garden District.  Victoria is going blind, the result of a Yellow Fever epidemic, which has wiped out nearly everyone in her family.  Battling her terror of the dark and strange occurrences that are taunting her, Victoria is removed forcibly from her family’s estate to a convent where, under unlikely circumstances, she meets Widow Paris, New Orleans’ Voodoo Queen.  Their extraordinary relationship is fostered by the Afro-Catholic influences of an unscrupulous parish priest hell-bent on siphoning Victoria’s estate.  Caribbean drumbeats and dark forces surround the reader as Victoria’s plight is played out to a carriage-race finish through the streets of New Orleans.

Now that you’ve found my new page, I hope you’ll come back!  You’re invited to sign the guest book and let me know you’ve stopped by, or follow my blog for excerpts and insights on Ghost Stories and The Unexplained from ‘The Ghost Chaser’s Daughter’.

3 responses to “Emily Hill. Writer & Novelist

  1. Hi Emily,

    I am jealous that you grew up in New Orleans. It is a city I am desperate to visit.
    Voodoo Vision’s synopsis definitely hooked me. Will have to add it to my kindle shelf.
    I too have had supernatural experiences since I was a child. It runs in my family: my father and paternal grandmother saw ghosts too. I think it also has something to do with the fact that as an infant and toddler I “died” a few times after high temperatures (as a result of febrile convulsions) stopped my heart. I have often thought this is why I now see and sense ghosts.
    Great connecting with you here on wordpress and thanks for connecting with me in twitter. Love connecting with other authors of the supernatural.
    Kim 🙂


    • Dear Kim,
      I am so thrilled to have you as a new blog follower on ‘The Ghost Chaser’s Daughter’. You make a good point in postulating that the reason that ‘the other side’ clings so closely to your side because of your brush with death as an infant. According to Nicole Leader, reknowned parapsychologist who studied the phenomena of ‘imaginary playmates’ and the ghosts in children’s lives over 90% of those children affected by ghost sightings DID have a near-death experience.

      In 1951 I contracted polio and had Last Rites administered. My mother, who led me into The Unexplained side of the world had malaria as a child and traveled through the white tunnel that Kubler-Ross described in her manuscripts; only to be returned to live out a long life.

      Aren’t each of our stories fascinating? So happy to have you as a new friend – please leave your own book link each time you drop by to say ‘Hi!’ so that my friends can become familiar with your books!

      Warmest Regards,


      • Emily,
        Thanks for the link to Nicole Leader: I have bookmarked the site and the article.
        Yes it is fascinating how near-death experiences seem to open a veil of some sort.
        Two books of mine are being released at the end if this year – of course both are stories of hauntings (one series is based on a house I lived in – a 6 book series – the other series is based on a haunted object and all the people it affects). So once they are released, I will link them through in a comment. 🙂
        Best Regards,


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